the building part was cool
but that was about it
the building part was cool
but that was about it
nice voice crack
thats really the only reason i watched
Thanks, but that was Joxs Voice.
by far the best of the series
this is a classic that only ripens with age.
I keep and display it on my favorites shelf with pride
5/10 fav'd for the blushing lipstick
^-^ That's actually my character =3
excellent timing
this was great for my mushroom comedown
gawky writing
too many moment were....aaawkward...
" from a car...?"
but anyways,its made well
XD Some of these are conversations i really had. Thanks for the review
that was awesome
the animation was sweet but moved too slow. music and sound would prolly make this front page material
not a virgin...
and i guess u used my song so i approve of this flash animation
that was awesome how the level was vertical like that. clever
I'm just a plant
Age 37, Male
New Orleans
Joined on 8/29/06