fuckin awesome
i could definitely hear some nice growling over this
fuckin awesome
i could definitely hear some nice growling over this
Thanks! i'll hit you up when vocals are done! \m/
this is the only decent submission ive heard all day.
at least the drums werent too techno-y
What's so bad about 'techno-drums'?
feels fake
it would sound great if the beat had a swing to it like the ragtime piano does
Yeah I know what you mean. I tried mixing it up a little bit when I switched beats around the 1 min. mark.
ok joey fatone
seems like youre hanging on to the past too long
the 90's are gone
time to move on when life is passing you by
seriously, i thought we were done with 90s pop
Sorry if you don't like it
I was feeling it
good coverage choice
whenever my mom watched that show the melody would get stuck in my head for hours
dood...i know. I couldn't sleep on the night when i recorded this song. I couldn't get this god damn tune out of my head. I feel your pain.
u know that radiohead remix Skttrbrain? this should have been a four tet style remix of Wonderwall
Yeah, it was on the 'COM LAG' single/remix thingy. I liked it, but I preferred Cristian Vogel's 'Remyxomatosis' as far as the remixes were concerned. As for 'Wonderwall', I actually forgot all about Oasis. I haven't listened to them in years.
pretty badass, even if its metal
methinks you should put this kind of effort into more submissions
I'll try but if I put as much effort as i did into this one into another song it might take awhile.
its 2 chords
and it feels like the lyrics try to be too deep but just come up too shallow to be taken seriously
3 chords dammit *LMFAO* Heh.
i hate how the good shit gets ignored
but i like how the drums are like johnny greenwood meets aphex twin
Well, thanks, but (unfortunately) Mr. Richard D. James has already expressed his disdain for Radiohead, so I doubt they'll ever meet (although It'd be awesome if they did).
i enjoy unintelligibility
i like how the drums got more of the shoe gazer treatment than anything else
The drums were from an old drum-instructional record. I just chopped them up to suit my needs.
I'm just a plant
Age 37, Male
New Orleans
Joined on 8/29/06