you lack focus
youre like a savant with hardcore ADD
u need to actually finish a thought, I'd bet it'd be pretty intelligent if u did
you lack focus
youre like a savant with hardcore ADD
u need to actually finish a thought, I'd bet it'd be pretty intelligent if u did
fuckin awesome
i could definitely hear some nice growling over this
Thanks! i'll hit you up when vocals are done! \m/
this is pretty awesome awesome
even with the dissonance, everything sounds in place.
the only this is the electric guitar is a tad jarring
this song is like zebra gum
an intense rush of amazing, but over way too quickly
this is the only decent submission ive heard all day.
at least the drums werent too techno-y
What's so bad about 'techno-drums'?
feels fake
it would sound great if the beat had a swing to it like the ragtime piano does
Yeah I know what you mean. I tried mixing it up a little bit when I switched beats around the 1 min. mark.
living robots go to heaven
this sounds like it should be a boss battle theme from Earthbound
ok joey fatone
seems like youre hanging on to the past too long
the 90's are gone
time to move on when life is passing you by
seriously, i thought we were done with 90s pop
Sorry if you don't like it
I was feeling it
good coverage choice
whenever my mom watched that show the melody would get stuck in my head for hours
dood...i know. I couldn't sleep on the night when i recorded this song. I couldn't get this god damn tune out of my head. I feel your pain.
u know that radiohead remix Skttrbrain? this should have been a four tet style remix of Wonderwall
Yeah, it was on the 'COM LAG' single/remix thingy. I liked it, but I preferred Cristian Vogel's 'Remyxomatosis' as far as the remixes were concerned. As for 'Wonderwall', I actually forgot all about Oasis. I haven't listened to them in years.
I'm just a plant
Age 37, Male
New Orleans
Joined on 8/29/06